Triple Russian Flat Slaves
A gorgeous triple Russian flat slave bangle which is based on a very traditional style that is stylish and timeless. This is a chic bangle that will make a fantastic Christmas present for a loved one.
This is a gorgeous, chic Triple Russian Flat Slave bangle which is based on a very traditional and simple design. Three sterling silver interlocking flat slave bangles that make a wonderful jingling noise when worn on your wrist.
The Triple Russian Flat Slave bangle looks very sleek and moves about elegantly. This set of Triple Russian Flat Slaves are an accessory that will always remain fashionable and can easily work well from a chic day bangle to a stylish night out bangle.
The Triple Russian Flat Slave bangle is a beautiful bangle that will make a fabulous gift for your loved one. This bangle is suitable for small sized wrists.